T06.11 FAO Stabilization

Implementation of actions for economic and social stabilization of Puerto Guzmán, Putumayo

This project strengthens the institutional capacity in Puerto Guzmán and increases community resilience in vulnerable communities affected by the conflict.

Implementation period
From 01/May/2018 To 31/Dec/2021

General Description

The project is focused on strengthening institutional capacity in Puerto Guzmán, and increasing community resilience in vulnerable communities affected by the conflict. This is achieved through implementing a comprehensive rural development strategy with focus on resilience, which contributes to socio-economic stabilization and peacebuilding in this municipality.

The project has a community and an institutional intervention level. In the community intervention, the project addresses the needs of each group in social, political, and climatic aspects, with a gender focus and resilience orientation. In the institutional intervention, it builds a strengthening plan after working on strengths and weaknesses.


The project implements actions in the water, health, education, and food security sectors, as well as strategies in income creation, risk management, and adaptation to climate change. Additionally, it emphasizes the use of the forest, its protection, and recovery.

The project seeks to strengthen and enhance the technical capacities of community groups by involving their social capital, and reinforcing their role and responsibility with the community.

Contribution to the Peace Accourds

The project contributes to point 1 of the Agreement promoting food production, creating good agricultural practices potentiating the crops in the area to be commercialized. Thus, generating  better income and sustainability in production for the community. The project defines environmental paths, risk management plans, and community strategies in health, water, and sanitation.

The project contributes to point 3.2 of the Agreement by encouraging communities to generate functional income with the participation of men and women victims of conflict, with restored basic rights, and with a perception of trust and stability in their region, under the focus of community resilience promoted by the European Union through ECHO. In addition, there is institutional strengthening in the promotion and provision of basic services, in conflict resolution, and recomposition of the social fabric.

Objectives and Results

The project focuses its actions on achieving three key outcomes:

  1. Enhanced community capacity for diversified and sustainable food production to bolster food security and generate decent income through effective market connections.
  2. Improved access to water, basic sanitation, and health and nutrition services for the project communities.
  3. Strengthened capacity of local institutions and communities for comprehensive risk management and the protection of population rights.
Investment Amounts
€ 1.974.136
UE Support
€ 523.848
€ 2.497.984

Featured Indicators
Indicator Goal Last Update Advance Current Value Status
01.Number of hectares of diversified crops planted with the project’s support to recover the self-consumption production 150 December 2020 918 % 1.377 Complete
02.Number of people (men and women) participating in sustainable and resilient production strategies for income creation with the project’s support 1.000 June 2020 102 % 1.025 Complete
03.Number of men, women, and children improving their access to water and basic sanitation services with the actions developed by the project 2.453 June 2020 164 % 4.033 Complete
04.Number of community physical infrastructures provided through the project with a protection approach 2 December 2021 100 % 2 Complete
05.Number of men and women improving their access to health services through project’s actions 5.000 December 2021 100 % 5.000 Complete
06.Number of tons of food produced by the communities, commercialized with the support of organizations strengthened in the framework of the strategy 300 December 2021 90 % 270 Complete
07.Number of programs for Comprehensive Risk Management developed, with the project’s support, by local institutions in coordination with priority communities 1 December 2021 100 % 1 Complete
08.Number of community health committees trained and equipped for basic response in prioritized communities 30 August 2021 40 % 12 In execution
09.Number of community promoters certified with the project’s support to provide extension services 20 August 2021 50 % 10 Complete
10. Number of traditional health teams trained in the improvement of ancestral practices 5 August 2021 0 % 0 In planning
11. Number of strategies developed in the framework of the project for institutional strengthening in water, health, and human rights protection, directly impacting communities 5 June 2021 220 % 11 Complete
12.Number of work plans for organizational strengthening implemented with the project’ support 3 June 2020 100 % 3 Complete
13.Number of displaced people and victims of the armed conflict who can participate in government decision-making through the project’s support 50 December 2021 0 % 0 Complete

Advocate Partner Local Partners and Co-Applicants
Unión Europea
Unión Europea
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

1. Acción Contra el Hambre
2. Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados – ACNUR
3. Organización Panamericana de la Salud – OPS/OMS

Geographic Coverage

Project Resources

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