Projects by Executing Partner

T06.02 Roadmaps for Peace

T06.03 Forest and sea borders for Peace – Frontepaz

T06.04 Sustainable Macarena with more capacity for Peace – Mascapaz

T06.05 Pazadentro

T06.07 Technical Assitance to the European Trust Fund of the European Union in Colombia – (EUTF)

T06.08 Sustainable Caqueteño regions for peace

T06.09 Rural paz

T06.10 Peace, the only hope for economic and social development – PUEDES

T06.11 FAO Stabilization

T06.13 Colombia 2020

T06.14 Young amazon Guaviare

T06.17 Young amazon Caquetá

T06.20 PDT Nariño

T06.22 Community radios

T06.23 Integration for reconciliation

T06.24 Caminemos


T06.27 Psychosocial support

T06.28 Colombia PUEDE

T06.29 Implementing sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives in Putumayo

T06.32 Tejidos

T06.33 Builders of peace

T06.34 Solidarity and sustainable regions

T06.35 Solidarity economy communities

T06.37 MIA: Mestizo, Indigenous, and Afro-descendant

T06.39 Aremos paz

T06.41 Women change-makers

T06.44 Support for the Social and Economic Reincorporation of FARC-EP ex-combatants

T06.60-61-62 PDET Routes

T06.73 Lands Budgetary Support